Frequently Asked Questions About Getting Help from FSU CARD
FAQs for New/Potential Clients
Q: Are you interested in becoming an FSU CARD client?
A: Click on “Becoming a Client” on our website:
Q: Who is eligible to be an FSU CARD client?
A: Anyone who has a current diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) or prior diagnosis of Autistic Disorder, PDD-NOS, Asperger’s Disorder, Rett’s Disorder, and Childhood Disintegrative Disorder. Or anyone who has a Related Disability — deaf-blind (hearing and vision impaired), hearing impaired or vision impaired with other disabling conditions.
We serve all ages across the lifespan.
Q: Does FSU CARD do diagnostic evaluations?
A: No, CARD does NOT provide evaluations, diagnoses, therapies, or respite care. CARD is not allowed to do evaluations or provide direct therapies per our state statute, but we can help direct you to resources in your community.
FAQs for Existing Clients
Q: Are you an existing FSU CARD client who has not been in touch with FSU CARD for over a year?
A: Fill out our Annual Update Form and let us know how we can help.
Q: Why haven’t I heard from CARD? It’s been a while and nobody has called me.
A: CARD services are client-driven. We need YOU to reach out to us and let us know when you need help.
Email us at: [email protected]
Q: Do you want FSU CARD to help your child or student in a school setting?
A: Fill out the Technical Assistance Form.
FAQs for the Community
Q: Do you want to partner with FSU CARD to share information at an information fair or other community event?
A: Fill out our Annual Update Form and let us know how we can help.
Q: Do you have 5 or more people who want/need training on topics related to autism?
A: Fill out our online Training Request Form.
Executive Function on Summer Break
Autism Navigator for Classroom Success in Pre-K Through 2nd Grade
Calling all regular education and special education teachers, district-level personnel, speech-language pathologists, occupational therapists, early interventionists, psychologists, behavior specialists, social workers, paraprofessionals, college students, and anyone else interested in learning about students with autism.
6-weeks webinar series begins
Wednesday, July 21st
3:30- 5:00 EST
How-To Guide for Families
Calling all families and caregivers of young children with autism
2nd and 4th Tuesday of each Month
1:00 – 2:30 PM EST
How-To Guide for Families
This article from the Autism Feeding Specialist website provides some guidance and strategies to helpShare with CARD!
Back To School: Lunch Ideas for Picky Eaters
By Valori Neiger
Share with CARD!
FSU CARD is continuously looking for clients who would like to share their art, writing pieces, or success stories in our quarterly newsletter. If you are interested in sharing for our next issue, please send a message and image electronically to Tammy Dasher ([email protected]). All art or writing pieces should be titled. Select submissions will be chosen for each edition of the newsletter; artists and authors will be notified if their article is chosen.